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magbo system


This grappa was made in the back room of a law office somewhere in Edmonton. It’s ridiculously strong and I love it. It’s really hot to drink straight because it’s 55% but with a bit of water it’s quite smooth and the grape flavour really comes through. 

I will definitely drink it again.

Murphy’s Irish Stout

I had a Murphy’s Irish Stout last night at Duggan’s Boundary pub in Edmonton, Alberta. That’s the first time I’ve had @TheRebelStout and I have to say it’s quite good. Very similar to Guinness, in fact I’m not sure if I could tell them apart in a blind taste test although I’d be willing to try. Sounds like a fun project and a good evening @DuggansIrishPub!
It was very dark yet light bodied, slightly bitter with a beautiful creamy head which I’m assuming comes from nitrogen. I would drink this again!

Lips of Faith

I had the chance to try Lips of Faith last night at @SugarBowlCafe. It’s a collaboration brew between @CigarCityBeer and @NewBelgium. It’s a pale ale made with chillies. I don’t normally like beer with fruit and veg in it but this one was good. I couldn’t really taste the chillies but they left sort of a sour aftertaste, no, a sour feeling really sort of at the back of my lower jaw. I described it to Kim as “sour brackets” and unintentionally coined a new beer geek tasting term. It’s cool, you can use it.
Even though it’s technically a pale ale it struck me as more like a saison. Probably the spicy earthy flavour o the chilis and the Belgian style yeast used in it.
So yeah, I’d drink it again and so should you!