Tag Archives: yellowhead

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Yellowhead Premium Lager

Yellowhead Premium Lager

I tried Yellowhead Premium lager a few months ago at this thing for some politician. I’m not into politics. Not even a little, but Taylor’s band was playing and there was beer so sign me up. For that evening I was fully behind ol’ what’s her name and her platform. I remember enjoying it that night but I tried a lot of beer that night so I wanted to try it again on its own.

Yellowhead Premium lager is brewed here in Edmonton, it’s the one single beer that the company brews. I can respect them for focusing on one single beer. I don’t know if they do it because they want to concentrate their efforts or they just don’t have the space to brew more types of beer. Whatever the reason they brew a good lager. It pours out a nice coppery gold with very little head. It’s nice and malty with just enough hops in the finish. I found it refreshing, delicious and very drinkable.

I have been thinking that I should have some beer on hand for when people come over to visit. I often have singles of various kinds of beer that I am wanting to try but when people come over I don’t always want to share them. Either because I really want to try it myself or they are a bit off the beaten path and I’m not sure my guests would appreciate them. I don’t want to serve a guest a bottle of relatively expensive beer just to have them not appreciate it. So I’m looking for something basic that a lot of people will enjoy, Yellowhead Premium lager just might be that beer.

I would definitely Drink Again!