Tag Archives: Spiced

Rosée D’hibiscus – Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel

Rosée D’hibiscus is an herbed, spiced beer thatvcomes from Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel in St-Jerome, Quebec.

It’s been sitting in my basement for a few months and I finally decided to try it and I’m glad I did.

It’s a great looking beer. It pours a beautiful ruby, the color of rose hip juice.

The look and fruity aroma suggests a sweet beer but it is pleasantly tart. It has a nice light floral taste with a touch of spice.

This is the first beer I’ve tried from Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel and I will definitely try others now. It really seems like Quebec has a great beer scene going on. Maybe a beer tour in Quebec is in order.

I’d drink this one again.

